Pretty Simple Cake


Who doesn't love cake?!?  I mean probably the same person who would say no when offered a cookie.  Which is my opinion.  You gotta say yes to the cake & the cookie!  Lol.  But to each their own!  

This post is for the dessert lovers out there!!!  Like myself.  A super easy + delicious + creative cake recipe!  BY FAR my favorite dessert to make!!  

I made this cake for my big brother.  He is moving to Seattle next week!  So naturally I made him a super pink + girly + pretty goodbye cake.  He thinks I'm hilarious!!  No, not really.  But I think I am!  


Disclaimer - this cake is not meant to be a healthy recipe.  It's from a box.  It's not vegan.  (I've been vegan for a couple months now but my family isn't so I made them a normal cake...)  It's loaded with frosting.  And there's some butter involved....  But the flowers are healthy!!! ;) 

It costs less than $20.  Bada bing, bada boom!  Equal to or cheaper than those store bought cakes.  And way cuter!!  Plus you can make it any way you want.  


Cake mix (boxed mix + 3 eggs, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1 cup water)


Roses (however many you want)

Round cake pan


Did I mention simple????  The boxed cake mix is the easiest.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.   Mix the cake mix + eggs + veg oil + water.   Pour HALF of the mix into a round cake pan.  I like to use a paper towel & dip it in butter to grease the cake pan before pouring in the batter.  This way when you pull it out of the oven it pops right out of the pan onto your cooling rack!  

Bake the first round for 28 minutes.  Then repeat with the next half of the cake batter.  

Let them cool.  They will both kinda "rise" in a bubble so take a sharp knife and cut the top off to make them flat.  Flat will lay prettier & be easier to frost. 


Start with one half.  Flip the newly cut side down.  I like to put the whole can of frosting into a ziploc bag & cut the tip off.  It makes it way easier to use & frost!!  I start with a circle around the edges.  This part is the most important for the middle because it will be visible on the final cake!  Then just fill in the rest of the cake with frosting for the middle layer.  Or just eat all of the frosting.  Your choice! 

Next, lay the second layer of cake on top of the frosting.  Make sure it lays evenly & looks nice!  For the top layer of cake, I do the same thing with the frosting!  Start with a circle around the edges and fill in the frosting to the middle.  Then use a butter knife to spread it out evenly.  

Now comes the pretty + girly part!!!!  Aka the pink roses for my brother.  HA HA.


Cut off X amount of roses at the stem to top off your cake.  I chose 6.  Six lovely pink roses!!  Win, win because you can use the rest of the roses in a vase to decorate your house!


This part is the fun part!!! Actually eating the cake is the fun part.  But the decorating is great because you can get so creative in the ways you want to top off your cake!  



The prettiest & most simple cake ever!  Perfect for Valentines Day with your man or ladies + birthdays + surprise for your Mama + any day just because you love cake!!  Like me.  I think all of these occasions are reasons to bake a pretty + simple cake. 

In the past I've baked similar cakes for birthdays & holidays!  A carrot cake for Thanksgiving.  A red velvet birthday cake for my boyfriend's mom. 

Get creative!!!  The floral decor you decide to use on the top of a cake is entirely up to you!!  Next time I'm going to make one with white roses & sparklers on top.  Stay tuned to see if I light the house on fire.  LOL.  


What are your favorite desserts to make!?  I absolutely love to try new recipes so please send them my way!!

Happy baking :)

Xx, Han