Sweet Thanksgiving Rolls


I am so excited for the holidays!!!  This year I'm trying a new recipe for Thanksgiving rolls & I want to share it with you! Sweet notes + sweet butter.  How sweet is that!?  My family has always included rolls in the menu for Thanksgiving.  Classic.  Not the healthiest.  But necessary!  I like to dip my roll in mashed potatoes & gravy.  Just saying.  

SO!  I saw a super cute video on SO YUMMY on Facebook & decided to try it!  You can find their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/firstmediasoyummy/ 

The video is called "Six foolproof ways to shape store-bought bread dough into holiday table showstoppers."  All of the six ideas are creative + cute!!  I went with the "Thankful rolls."  Cause I'm cheesy like that!  These rolls have sweet, handmade notes baked inside of them and are super cute!  And way easy.  The video makes them look really simple & after baking them myself I can attest to that!  So simple + so yummy!  However, I have a couple tips to come!

I decided to make a sweet butter in addition to the rolls.  Cause why not???  I'll first explain the rolls & then get into the buttttaaaaa.  

For ze rolls -

-Buy premade dough at your local grocery store (they also say you can buy premade biscuits and use those)

-Muffin tins for baking

-Turn your oven on to 400 degrees F.  Roll dough into small little balls.  

-Place 3 little balls in each individual muffin tin spot. 

-Add your sweet (folded up) note into the middle of all three. 

Bake for 12 minutes.  

(I added an extra 5 minutes)

Dun dun dun....


Peel apart rolls with sweet, thankful messages in the middle!!  I'm pretty happy with how these rolls turned out!  I will say - not every single roll will be perfect.  I had a couple where the piece of paper popped out the top and this wasn't ideal.  You win some, you lose some.  Overall, I would say these are easy + no nonsense + delicious.  I am curious if the biscuit dough would work better.  The dough from the bakery was pretty plain tasting so thankfully I made butter.  To add to my rolls.  Get it?? Hahaha.  

To add to the deliciousness...I used a recipe from The Cozy Cook for a remake of Texas Roadhouse's sweet butter.  I don't know about you, but I freakin loooove this butter!!!  I found a recipe on a great blog you can find at https://thecozycook.com/copycat-texas-roadhouse-butter/ 


This butter recipe could not have been easier!!

-1 stick room temperature salted butter

-1/4 cup powdered sugar

-1 + 1/2 tbsp honey

-3/4 tsp cinnamon 

Mix well until combined and TA DA.....sweet butter you want to eat with a spoon!!!! But don't.  Seriously though, it's so good!!  


This stuff tastes so similar to Texas Roadhouse's butter, I'm impressed!!!  My rolls are nowhere near as good though.  But that's a different story.  The combo of the doughy rolls + cinnamony  butter is incredible & I absolutely plan on making these for Thanksgiving! 


I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving :)


Food + DrinkHannah Kane