

Welcome to H KAY!  My name is Hannah - which you probably already know because if you’re reading this I’m assuming you’re already my friend.  So, thanks friends for checking out my blog ;) And if I don’t know you already – thank you for reading!!  I have wanted to create a blog for a long time and finally decided to start one.  I love to write and I definitely love to talk.  Loudly.  I have an eagerness to write, enjoy taking pictures, and like sharing my interests so that is exactly what I intend to do!

I am from Colorado and after bouncing from Boulder to Seattle I am back living here.  This place is hard to beat!  Although I would highly recommend to ANYONE, twenty-something or other, to move out of state if you so have the urge!  I lived in Seattle for 2 ½ years and absolutely loved it!  Living in a new place with new people, new restaurants, new sights, new everything is refreshing and such a good opportunity for growth.  I’m still only 5’1 in regard to my height but, Seattle helped me grow immeasurbly in confidence and direction. 

I am twenty-seven years old & loving every minute of it!  I truly cannot believe how fast time is flying but it is so fun!  I spend every day smiling thanks to a certain someone…  and this summer keeps getting better!  I’ve been spending most my days brunching, going on quick getaways to the mountains, sippin cold drinks, golfing, and laughing with my friends.   I actually really need to spend more time saving money and binge watching a TV show.  But FOMO – fear of missing out – always gets the best of me.  

I LOVE champagne + coffee + conversation.   In that order.  Just kidding.  But I do like to order my mimosas hold the OJ.  Every single time the waiter says “Sooo you just want champagne then..?”  In response, I explain that I would still like it to be referred to as a mimosa, more fun!   I drink coffee every single morning and love trying new coffee shops.  But let’s be real, Starbucks is usually my go to.  Finally, conversation!  Did I mention I love to talk?  Yes, I think I did.  I am the type of person who loves to be surrounded by people.  Whether it’s my family, friends, or strangers I love enjoying other people’s company and chatting.  Don’t get me wrong I do enjoy some solo time to decompress but I usually want to be around people.  I hope to use this blog as a place for conversation!  Talk about products, places, thoughts, favorites, my recommendations, etc.


H KAY is a blog for any twenty-something navigating life and all the good, bad, and amazing things it has to offer.  It will be life + style centered posts and content I find interesting and want to recommend or just simply enjoy!  I love capturing moments!  I understand the debate about people constantly taking pictures or not enjoying the moment at the time that it is happening.  And I can appreciate that!!  I really can.  But I also love to capture pretty pictures, sweet moments, and funny anecdotes.  I like to look back and laugh at shit my friends say.  I like to see pictures of a yummy dinner & drinks I had with my boyfriend.  I like it all and can’t wait to share!  I hope you will continue reading and would love to hear your thoughts!!

Xx, Han